How did we choose our supplier?
Over 2 months we contacted 49 suppliers, shortlisted to 18 and interviewed 3. We asked all the standard questions like material sourcing and price but we asked the big questions too. Factory safety conditions, workers hours and pay were all key topics of conversation.
We were thorough as we needed to fully understand where our material was coming from and how it was going to be manufactured.
Meet Usman and his team from Pakistan. They are a medium sized factory with over 8 years experience in the garment manufacturing industry. Their expertise has been fundamental during the prototyping of our product and has helped us to deliver the high quality performance you expect from sportswear.
We look forward to continue working with Usman and his team as we develop new high quality products and establish our Kata garment recycling programme.
Where and how is your Kata Tee transported?
Almost all of the bamboo fabric production is from China. Their climate is perfect for large plantation yields. The bamboo species for textiles grows most efficiently in a warm and wet climate. Trying to grow bamboo for mass market outside of this climate would be less efficient and require so much water.
The majority of the bamboo textiles industry is based in and around the material source, countries such as Bangladesh, Turkey and Pakistan are big importers of bamboo fabric, meaning it does not need to travel far once it is grown in China.
The Kata Essential Tee journey begins in China, where the bamboo fabric is produced.
It is then driven to a port where it’s loaded onto a ship to set sail for Pakistan. Ocean freight is a very efficient form of transport so it is important we use it when we can.
When it arrives it is unloaded from the container and driven to Usman’s factory in the north of Pakistan.
After the bamboo fabric is turned into Kata Essential Tees it is either driven back to the port and shipped to the UK or delivered to us using air freight.
The Kata Essential Tees are driven from the port where finally it makes it to us who post it to you via a postal courier.